Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Parking Lot Wars

Parking in our apartment community is extremely hard to come by if you arrive any later than 6:00 pm. It will probably be the thing I miss the least when we move in May. Besides the fact that it's hard to find parking, it's also full of cars parked by drivers who must be blind. Or at least they must be being attacked by bees at the time their of arrival. No one can park straight. Maybe they're color blind and they can't see the green lines on the black pavement.

Here is an example:

The driver of this car must have been really thin to get out of their car. I can't imagine them being able to open their door without it touching my car. Luckily it didn't leave any dings in my car, but regardless this is a big no-no. In Sir Cardigan's America this would be punishable by having the doors of your car removed.

1 comment:

  1. You mean you'll not miss the trrible parking and terrible parkers more than the jacked-up rent, the unsafe stairways, the pot-smoking neighbors, the other neighbors below us who, I am certain, cook trash and throw their babies against the walls, the office staff who can never find our packages, the maintenance staff who won't let you wash your car, the inability to get our apartment to a comfortable temperature, the inappropriately placed fire alarms, the impossible-to-clean carpet, the missing pantry, the...ok, I'll stop.
