Saturday, October 30, 2010

WWVD (What Would Venkman Do)

So my lovely wife and I were enjoying a dinner out together at an Italian restaurant. We elected to sit at the bar to avoid a 20 minute wait, which turned out to be a great idea. We had great service and friendly wait staff. The only catch was that we were seated directly in front of an unidentified pink goopy substance kept in a plastic bin on the counter behind the bar.

It was sitting right next to the espresso machine and seemed mostly harmless. When we asked our waiter what it was, he was unable to identify it even after he bravely put his face down close to it and sniffed it. I am certain that in doing so he may have caused irreparable harm to his olfactory system. Permanent damage his nose hair follicles at the very least.
He even went as far as to ask two other wait staff members. They also had no idea what this pink slime was. My best guess of the identity of this blob comes not from a scientific background by any means - it is purely speculation based on my nerdy affinity for science fiction.

Yes... I do believe we have a highly dangerous ectoplasm sample here. I'm absolutely sure of it. If you poured this substance into that espresso machine and blasted some Parliament, it would start bouncing around like it was pogo dancing at a Sex Pistols show in 1976 and start spewing hot espresso around like nostril propelled milk.

You have been warned. This is either the beginning of a paranormal assault by ghosts, or a nicely played viral marketing attempt by the producers of the upcoming Ghostbusters 3 film. Either way, it was well timed to the spooky holiday.

1 comment:

  1. I just woke up I'm bath tub full of ice. Plastic container and spleen missing...
    I really loved that plastic container.
