This minivan's owner must either think people would easily mistake his vehicle for a Ford Mustang by putting the grill emblem on there or else he just really likes ponies.
If he put a Mustang V8 under the hood, I'd be all for this minivan.
I spotted this poor poor Honda Accord while recycling some used motor oil at Kragen. Looks like someone is in the process of molding a custom widebody kit for this new Accord, but they were using styrofoam instead of molding foam. This is also typically done to a car while it is in a garage and not driven until it's done. This is just sad to see on a brand new Accord.
Jess and I spotted this gem in the parking lot of a Costco the other day. Very classy. Nothing says baller like using your Gold Star membership at Costco to pick up a 48 pack of toilet paper and a 50 gallon drum of pickles.
Jess and I will be moving into our new home this weekend. We are really excited and I've been in super-packing mode. Last night I decided to tackle the kitchen since that was the most daunting task left. Luckily our cat wasn't in the way at all.